thoughts in my head
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too cute to be true

I took sometime to realize,
but she certainly caught my eye.
I took sometime to see,
that cutey was nothing like i'd eva seen.

She had the usual stuff every girl has,
but somehow it was different.
She looked like every other girl i knew,
but she was too cute to be true.

That innocent smile caught my eye,
she had me lookin at her every time,
it'd been sometime since i felt like that,
that cutey just had me goin mad.

She looked just like the girl next door,
but she somehow had me wonderin,
how god could build a creature,
so cute but yet so simple?

Maybe she'd noticed,
the way i looked coudnt be missed,
mayb she might be thinking,
who's that jerk who just keeps staring?

It aint my fault that i kept glancing,
aint my fault that she came in my mind,
aint my fault that it was true,
the fact that she was too cute to be true.

But glancing is all i can do now,
for all i know of her is her name,
but ill just keep waiting for the right moment,
as only god knows of its time and place.